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2010-07-26 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网



金融世界 第五讲


这一讲我们要谈的话题是:Economic models and markets,经济体系与市场。


一个国家的经济资源包括了土地、劳动力和资本。所有这些资源都是有限度的。投入生产某种产品的资源多,投入其它商品生产的资源相对来讲就少。如何才能合理分配这些资源,换句话说,采取什么样的经济生产模式,就是经济学家面对的基本课题。 #

目前世界上有三种基本的经济模式。它们是: #

1 command or centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 #

2 market system or laissez-faire economy 市场自由放任式经济,政府不予干涉 #

3 mixed economy 混合式经济,即中央计划经济与市场经济的组合


我们再听一遍这三种经济模式的英文: #

1 command or centrally-planned economy


2 market system or laissez-faire economy #

3 mixed economy


澳大利亚昆士兰州詹姆斯库克大学的经济学教授约翰奎根对这三种基本的经济模式做了简单介绍: #

At one extreme you have economists who would like to make virtually all social activity run on the basis of markets. At the other extreme, traditionally you’ve had a group of economists supporting a largely socialised economy in which most decisions were made by government, possibly using markets in various ways, but still nonetheless essentially making political decisions rather than market decisions. #

Between that, you’ve got the majority of people who support some sort of mixture of the two - what’s called a mixed economy. #



在这两者之间,大多数人都支持这两者的某种混合体,也就是我们所说的混合经济。 #



在约翰奎根教授谈到的这三种基本经济模式中,目前大多数国家都采取第三种混合经济的模式。澳大利亚采取的就是偏向于市场经济的混合经济模式。 #



In all of these markets the essential thing is that we have buyers who are wanting to purchase some goods or services, or perhaps some assets. They might be somewhat intangible assets like shares, or they might be quite tangible ones like cars and refrigerators. And then there are people who are willing to sell. And markets are the system by which their demands to pruchase the goods and the supplies are related, and of course prices are particularly important in determining what the conditions are under which people are trading.




1 buyers 买主、买方 #

2 purchase 购买


3 assets 资产


4 tangible 有形的 #

5 intangible 无形的 #

6 determining 决定,确定 #





下面我们再听一遍福塞斯教授的谈话。 #



command or centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济


market system or laissez-faire economy 市场经济 #

mixed economy 混合式经济,即中央计划经济与市场经济的组合


在结束这一讲之前,我们再复习一下今天节目中出现的其它一些英文词汇: #

1 buyers 买主、买方


2 purchase 购买


3 assets 资产 #

4 tangible 有形的


5 intangible 无形的


6 determining 决定,确定






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