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2010-07-26 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网




我们整理了以下内容 希望对您有所帮助


在上一讲中我们跟您谈了生产和经济活动中的效率,也就是efficiency,包括: #

1 productive efficiency 生产效率 #

2 allocative efficiency 配置效率


3 dynamic efficiency 动态效率


4 exchange efficiency 交换效率 #

今天我们要谈的话题是 competition - 竞争。 #

要获得所有形式的效率,必须要有“完全竞争”,也就是 perfect competition。而完全竞争需要有两个先决条件: #

1 有大量生产者各生产产品的一小部分。 #

2 产品必须完全一致,使消费者不会对任何一个生产者的产品有任何特别的选择或偏爱。




现实生活中的竞争是“可行竞争”,英文是 workable competition,也叫做“不完全竞争”,英文是 imperfect competition。


现在我们再听一遍这几个英文词汇: #

1 competition 竞争 #

2 perfect competition 完全竞争 #

3 workable competition or imperfect competition 可行竞争或不完全竞争


澳大利亚消费事务与竞争委员会主席费尔斯对竞争的作用做了这样的解释: #

The alternative to competition is monopoly, where there's a single supplier of a good or a service and that person konwing there's no competition has the opportunity to put up prices. There's no great pressure on them to keep their costs down and to be efficient.


So it's that competitive pressure that tends to make markets respond to what consumers want, to offer the best deals, and also to be technically progressive, to innovate under the pressure of competition. #

费尔斯在谈话中用了这样一个词汇:monopoly - 垄 断。






下面我们再听一遍费尔斯这段讲话的原文。(略) #

竞争对整个社会和消费者个人都有益处。通常竞争不仅仅意味着更低的价格和更好的服务,而且也意味着顾客可以有更多的选择。 #



You may get consumers who want very high quality services satisfied, but at a higher price. And the people who want no-frills service and cheap product will also get it at the other end of the market. So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market. #

费尔斯说,有些顾客愿意付出较高的价格来获得高品质的商品或服务。另一方面,有人需要的是基本的服务和便宜的商品。他们的需求在市场上也能得到满足。因此竞争使市场的供应多种多样。 #

The benefit to society of competition is that it makes a major contribution to the fundamental economic issue, which is the scarcity of productive resources. It means that on the production side, there is maximum pressure to conserve the use of those scarce productive resources. #

On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.


费尔斯接着说,竞争对社会的益处在于它对解决最根本的经济问题作出了重要的贡献,也就是生产资源的缺乏问题。它意味着生产一方受到最大限度的压力要它节约使用有限的生产资源。 #



澳大利亚消费事务与竞争委员会主席费尔斯在他的谈话中用了这样一些词汇: #

1 no-frills service 基本的服务


2 fundamental economic issue 根本的经济问题


3 scarcity of productive resources 生产资源的缺乏 #

下面我们完整听一遍费尔斯的这段谈话。(略) #



1 competition 竞争 #

2 perfect competition 完全竞争


3 workable competition or imperfect competition 可行竞争或不完全竞争 #

4 monopoly 垄断


5 no-frills service 基本的服务


6 fundamental economic issue 根本的经济问题


7 scarcity of productive resources 生产资源的缺乏 #



听众朋友,这次由澳洲广播电台Radio Australia中文部为您制作的金融世界节目到这里就结束了,谢谢您的收听。第一考试网整理 #

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