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2022-10-11 来源:网络 作者:佚名



全国今年8月自考外贸英语写作00097真题试卷 #

注意事项: #

1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 #

2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 #

一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 #

1. Few of us to admit that we have .


A. were #

B. was #

C. are


D. is #

2. The homes are near the are about the . #

A. which #

B. of which #

C. who's #

D. whose


3. The of the is due the high cost.


A. to #

B. of


C. in


D. for #

4. She wore #

A. that was than the other girls


B. that was than that of the other gidls #

C. that were than that of the other girls


D. that were than those of the other gidls #

5. Will you go to John's party? It is said that there will be .


A. much . #

B. very much #

C. #

D. lttle


6. It to Mrs. that the #

A. badly


B.bad #

C. worse




7. He isn't to have any ideas. #

A. #

B. #



D. #

8. It takes them how to use the .


A. To #



C. #

D. Teach #

9. The price they offer is not yours.


A. so than #

B. as than #

C. so as


D. as . #

10. is more hard- than in his . #

A. any else one #

B. any one else #

C. #

D. else #

11. they come to live in is not known. #

A. Why


B. Where #

C. What #

D. Which


12. Wood does not in value and .


A. #

B. if


C. that


D. and #

13. This more , , and #

A. be up-o-date


B. be up-to-date #

C. up-to-date


D. up-to-date


14. The of the had a for them than #

A. ours #

B. it did for us




D. us #

15. in all parts of the state, pines are the most trees in .


A. them


B. To find them #



D. Found #

16. Last night we had a very hard time some of the .


A. #

B. #

C. #

D. to


17. It is best .


A. one of them


B. one of their


C. of this


D. of that . #

18. The newly- is said to be #

A. about 500 miles long #

B. about long 500 miles


C. about 500 miles' long #

D. about 500 miles #

19. the job did not hear the alarm.


A. in


B. on #

C. with #

D. for


20. An is in a .


A. with


B. at


C. in #

D. to


二、改错:本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。 #

下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题卡(纸)上。 #

: Who's care the dog while you're away? #

care → care of #

21. Their the new was the same like .


22. It me to find that the rich man lived so .


23. The New York Times are a good . #

24. Here is the of the . #

25. It must have been they whom left the .


26. are very angry with the delay of the goods.


27. She was not only and also kind.


28. The new in . #

29. The board of will make their first this week. #

30. The to be to the .




用所给的词和短语写出符合逻辑的句子。 #

31. we wish/ that / to you / no news from you/ we have had / the of the goods/ about


32. that/ they say / you / the goods / about ten days / will / in


33. a hotel/ we / can / need / which / 30 / for six days #

34. the / / how many / / will come to / we / #

35. plans to/ build/ a new / the / / 800 extra / and #

36. still find/ are sorry / we/ to know/ too high/ that you / our price


37. my / you will/ / for/ the / I hope / we made


38. is / a / time table/ for / about your / all the #

39. very / are/ for their / our / and / good


40. is / no doubt / that stock / there is/ very / #

四、标点改错:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。 #

下面每句都有-个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题卡(纸)上。 #

: A. What a nice you gave me. me! #

B. You think you are right don't you? right, #

41. The , Mr. Price a long .


42. What would you say is the of your .


43. that you would need the goods now we them to you. #

44.“ We our with a two-week every year" , the . #

45. They didn't that they had just made a .


46. . You have won the gold medal in the .


47. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not with their sons grade. #

48. By the way do you have a to the in the city? #

49. There are three for the job, of , five years' #

, and a 's in . #

50. The and of is still . #

五、备忘录写作:本大题15分。 #

按要求写-份50个单词左右的备忘录。 #

51. You are the . You have been that next your 's will be down for at least two hours so that can be made. #

Write a memo to all staff in your :


● from what time on the will be down,


● the staff to save the they are on, #

● them that the will be much and more after the .


六、信函写作:本大题25分。 #

按要求写一封单词数为130-150的信函。 #

52.你公司将庆祝开业二十周年及搬迁新址。请写- -份邀请信,告知以下活动安排(请补充具体时间和地点): #

(1)上午举行庆典,中午招待自助餐( lunch)。 #











今年10月自考考前模拟题、复习资料及备考技巧汇总 #



▲今年8月真题| ▲今年10月真题 #

▲今年4月真题 | ▲今年10月真题 #

?历年真题及答案>?自考冲刺模拟题>?自考提分技巧> #

?重点科目复习资料 #













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