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2011-08-26 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网

2011年8月托福考试语法冲刺试题及答案(3) #

1. Frances Perkins, _________ of the United States cabinet, served in the cabinet as secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945.


A. the first female member


B. was the first female member #

C. the first female member who #

D. of whom the first female member #

答案:A #

分析:主语同位语结构。B中多了一个谓语was,因为后面已经有一个谓语动词served, 一个句子中出现2个谓语且没有连接词就一定错; C中who多余,用法也不正确;D中of whom多余,不是定语从句,考的是同位语结构。中华考试网


参考译文:Frances Perkins,是美国内阁的第一为女性成员,她从1933到1945年在内阁担任劳工部秘书。


2. When _________ to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the dough to rise.


A. is added baking powder


B. added baking powder is #

C. is baking powder added


D. baking powder is added #



分析:When为状语从句引导词;语序应该为正常语序,A,C错;B语序混乱,明显应该用被动形式,而且有固定结构add to.




3. _________ the percentage of individuals with similar traits in succeeding generations, geneticists use the theory of probability.


A. The calculation of #

B. To calculate


C. Is calculating #

D. Calculated




分析:to calculate,这里用不定式表示“目的”,前半句的逻辑主语是geneticists,只有B符合要求;A中只有主语,句子不完整。 #

参考译文:遗传学家运用概率的理论来计算在后代中拥有相似特点个体占有的百分比。 #

补充: 如同A的形式, 逗号前面就是一个名词短语, 然而正确的句子里, 名词短语要么作为主语的同位语, 要么本身是主语, 如11题。 否则就是脱离句子成分, 成为错误。


4. Big-band uaaz relies on fixed arrangements, where_______than one instrument playing some of the parts, rather than on improvisation. #

A. is more #

B. whenever more


C. there is more


D. more




分析:where引导状语从句,后面缺主谓。 #

参考译文:大型乐队爵士依赖于固定的安排,其中演奏相同部分音乐的乐器超过一个,而不是现声发挥。 #

5. Because of _________ diversity, seven separate groupings or divisions of algae have been established by botanists. #

A. them


B. so that #

C. those


D. their




分析:those是泛指,这里应该用their来特指seven separate groupings or divisions of algae.


参考译文:因为海藻们的不同特性,植物学家把他们分成7个不同的组别或分支。 #

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